From WABE’s ‘Closer Look’: Strategies to Boost Black Homeownership in Metro Atlanta

I recently had the honor of joining WABE’s ‘Closer Look with Rose Scott’ as a featured guest, exploring the trend of declining Black homeownership in metro Atlanta. Throughout our discussion, we examined the underlying reasons behind this issue and contemplated feasible solutions for promoting equitable homeownership opportunities for all.

“Delving into the history of Black homeownership in Atlanta, it’s essential to highlight the lingering impact of systemic racism and past inequalities on present-day developments.” 

Ashani C. O'Mard, Rose Scott and Karen G. Hatcher at WABE
Ashani C. O’Mard with ANDP, Inc., Rose Scott, Journalist & Host at WABE and Karen G. Hatcher at WABE.

Though the Civil Rights Movement and the Fair Housing Act marked significant progress, inequalities persist. For instance, Black and other BIPOC communities often bear the brunt of unfair property tax assessments, contributing to financial strain not as frequently experienced by white communities. Furthermore, predatory lending practices and mortgage scams targeted BIPOC individuals disproportionally.

When considering the challenges faced by BIPOC families in accessing financial resources, it’s important to acknowledge the lasting effects of discriminatory practices such as redlining. These practices have historically made it increasingly difficult for minorities to secure mortgages, with some lenders continuing to display bias against minority applicants. Indeed, the rate of mortgage denials is notably higher for Black applicants than their white counterparts.

“In response to this disparity, my team and I are dedicated to working with partners to ensure that everyone has access to the resources necessary to achieve their homeownership dreams.”

Photo from the BLACK HOMEOWNERSHIP COLLABORATIVE Annual Report 2021-22


As Atlanta experiences rapid growth, it faces a housing affordability crisis, disproportionately affecting BIPOC communities. Real estate prices and rental rates are skyrocketing, while factors such as population growth, income inequality, and limited affordable housing options exacerbate the problem for lower to moderate income homebuyers. We must address these concerns and foster an environment where all families can build wealth through homeownership.

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