4 Ways Women Leaders Can Thrive With Multiple Tribes

By: Karen G. Hatcher, CPM® 

“I am grateful for the tribes in my life. They make me stronger and better.” 

Leadership and overall life can be tough, but having a tribe can make all the difference. Women often face unique challenges, so finding a supportive community is key. A tribe of supportive peers can offer guidance, mentorship, opportunities for collaboration, and sometimes just a safe space to vent,  which can be invaluable for personal and professional growth.

A tribe is defined as a group of people with similar values, goals, and interests – that can be an invaluable resource in overcoming challenges and manifesting a rising collective of flourishing women. In this article, I’ll discuss how to find, nurture, and thrive with multiple tribes that can help you achieve your dreams as a woman leader.

  1. Mindset – Aim for the Stars and Go For Your Dreams!

Before seeking out new tribes to join or create, clearly define your own goals and values that align with your most heartfelt dreams. This will help ensure you attract like-minded individuals who will support your ambitions. 

If you don’t have clearly defined goals, here’s a fast-track way to get started:

Before starting this exercise, find a quiet space where you can be alone and undisturbed. Set a timer for 15 minutes, close your eyes, and allow your emotions to surface. Reflect on your fears, insecurities, hopes, accomplishments, and dreams.  

Pay close attention to your instincts and the inner voices expressing your needs and desires. Reflect on the key factors that contributed to your past achievements. Consider what will be required of you to reach your future goals and think about any outlets you wish you had access to.

Then, brain-dump all your thoughts on paper then organize them by category. 

  1. Research and Seek out Existing Groups but Don’t Be Afraid to Create Your Own!

There is an abundance of existing tribes with various focuses: from professional networks (industry groups) to empowering women’s groups such as mommy circles, spiritual resources, travel, fitness management, coaches, etc.  

Also, use social media platforms to find groups centered around your interests and career path. Attend events hosted by these communities (either virtually or in-person) to gauge their dynamics and decide whether they align with your objectives. 

  1. Aim to Create Multiple Tribes

If you want the best possible support for every part of your life, it’s a good idea to create separate tribes that cater to each specific purpose. For example, you could have one for professional development, one for personal growth, and one for health and wellness. 

Having multiple separate tribes will allow you to go deep in your self-discovery and fulfillment.

  1. Don’t Sit on the Sidelines, Nurture Those Relationships!

When you’ve found or created your tribes, make sure you’re actively involved in discussions, sharing resources and opportunities that others may benefit from, and offering support when needed.

Creating a tribe where everyone feels respected and supported is key to encouraging members to share their ideas, challenges, and resources.

  1. Embrace Diversity in Creating and Thriving in Multiple Tribes!

Joining different tribes can offer valuable connections and help you see things from different perspectives. It’s a great way to grow both personally and professionally and to become more adaptable in our interconnected world. 

Reach beyond your comfort level and expand your circle.  You never know how your life will be enriched by expanding your breadth and depth. 

Ready to harness the power of multiple tribes and skyrocket your personal and professional growth? Don’t wait any longer; dive into action and start building your dream tribes today! 

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