Before You Dive In: Aligning Your Skills with Your Dreams

By: Karen G. Hatcher, CPM®

My husband Mike hits the nail on the head all the time. He’ll say, ‘Karen, you’re a rockstar! You get things done, and everyone knows it. That means you’ll always be asked to lead something.’  And it’s true.

Your excellence at your job earns you the recognition that follows like a loyal shadow. Suddenly, your calendar overflows with exciting projects and prestigious roles. It’s thrilling, like riding a wave of success. But before you get swept away, take a deep breath. Because in this whirlwind, it’s easy to forget something essential: alignment.

Alignment acts as the quiet captain at the helm, ensuring your skills and passions navigate you toward your true destination. It’s about more than just being good at something. Sure, your talent might open doors, but are you walking through the ones that lead to your dream destination? These are the questions I have to make time to ask myself before running towards the opened doors.

Here’s how you can harness the power of alignment in your own life: 

  1. Chart Your Course. What truly matters to you? Is it creativity, collaboration, or making a positive impact? You must understand your values as the foundation for making aligned decisions.

At the beginning of this year, I took the time to reflect on my priorities and aspirations. I wrote an article about the importance I place on diving deep, into meaningful relationships, projects, and personal growth this year. 

I’m committed to building even stronger connections with my loved ones, colleagues, and community. My goal is to create an even deeper and more fulfilling #SovereignLife for myself, my family, and the communities I’m a part of. 

So ask yourself, ‘Do the current opportunities propel you closer to your ultimate career or life objective?’ That dream may involve starting your business, mastering a new skill, or achieving a specific leadership role. 

Evaluate each opportunity against this guiding light, and let your vision be your North Star. Does it nudge you closer to that vision, or is it a detour that might waste your time and energy?

  1. Reflect back on your ideal future. What does success look like for you?  If you don’t have your vision board on your wall where you can see it daily, pull it out, review it and reflect on why you put those pictures or words on there. 

Close your eyes, picture yourself living your most fulfilling life, and let this vision guide your present choices. I have three vision boards – one for myself and my career, my marriage and one for my family. They are all fused though and it is on the wall right in front of my desk where I work daily. 

These images energetically influence how I approach every opportunity and outline the steps required for success.  

  1. Recalibrate for Smooth Sailing: Time, Capacity, and the Bigger Picture

Don’t be afraid to chart your course meticulously. Even the most promising opportunity can harbor treacherous currents that could pull you far from your intended destination. Determine if aspects of the role clash with your values or long-term goals, leading to potential burnout and hindering your ability to pursue your passions outside of work. 

Remember that a misaligned opportunity can drain your energy and leave you feeling unfulfilled, even if it seems prestigious on the surface.  Time is always moving. 

Be brutally honest about your time and capacity. Assess if this opportunity aligns with your current life commitments and if you have the bandwidth to take it on without neglecting other priorities. If it does, determine what you are willing to give up to make time for it and the opportunity cost.

  1. Practice Saying “No” With Grace. Sometimes, the most tempting opportunities have to be politely declined because they simply wouldn’t fit into the bigger picture of your life, even if they seem like a good fit on paper. FOMO is real, but declining an opportunity that doesn’t align with your goals frees you up to pursue something that truly excites you and moves you forward to your destination.  Being comfortable with saying “no” empowers you to navigate your career with intention.

By taking these steps, you can actively transform your experience from feeling like a ship adrift to a vessel charting a course toward your dreams. Remember, alignment is a journey, not a destination. Your goals and values may evolve, so revisit these questions regularly. 

Fine-tune your compass continuously to ensure it always points towards what truly matters. Prioritize alignment to find yourself not just succeeding, but thriving in a life brimming with purpose, passion, and fulfillment.

Now it’s your turn! Share your experiences with alignment in the comments below and reflect on what opportunities you have navigated away from or embraced to create a more fulfilling journey.

Karen G. Hatcher, CPM®

CEO, Sovereign Realty + Mgmt

2 thoughts on “Before You Dive In: Aligning Your Skills with Your Dreams

  1. Learning to say “no” with grace, is a hard lesson. As a “fixer” at heart beginning with responsibilities as the oldest of five siblings and a daughter of a working Mom, you’re expected to jump in when asked. Only reassessing priorities can guide you to make the better choices as you move forward.
    Thank you Karen, for your thoughtful guidance.

    1. I couldn’t agree more. And fomo (fear of missing out) is real. I am still working on managing all my “feelings” I get when I do say “no” or “not at this time”, but I am keeping the faith that I am walking in my path on my journey, rooted in the spirit and towards the true goal. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!

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